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Conversion Chart

Use the following to help you when figuring out quantities:

Dry Measure
3 teaspoons = 1 Tablespoon
4 Tablespoons = ¼ Cup
8 Tablespoons = ½ Cup
12 Tablespoons = ¾ Cup
16 Tablespoons = 1 Cup
4 Cups = 1 quart
4 Quarts = 1 gallon

Liquid Measure
2 Tablespoons = 1 ounce
4 Tablespoons = 2 ounces = ¼ Cup
2 Cups = 1 Pint = ½ Quart = 16 Ounces
4 Cups = 2 Pints = 1 Quart = 32 Ounces
4 Quarts = 16 Cups = 1 Gallon = 128 ounces

Miscellaneous Measures
28 soda crackers = 1 Cup fine crumbs
15 square graham crackers = 1 Cup crumbs
4 Tablespoons butter = 2 ounces = ¼ Cup = ½ stick
16 ounces white sugar = 2-1/3 Cups
16 ounces brown sugar = 2¼ Cups packed
16 ounces powdered sugar = 3½ Cups
16 ounces = 4 cups shredded cheese
6 ounces cottage cheese = 1 Cup
16 ounces sour cream = 1¾ Cups
1 pound ground beef = 2½ Cups browned
10 pounds ground beef = 25 Cups browned
1 large chicken breast = ¾ Cups cooked, diced
1 medium onion = 1 Cup chopped